
Hi, I am a programmer, blogger and a book lover from Hyderabad. I mostly code in Python and JavaScript. My dream is to make my personal legend  real one day. I love these quotes most.

Stay Hungry. Stay foolish

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.

““And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi man how are you?
    Congrats for your blog and great articles. I’m using them to learn more about python and flask.
    Can you please use the read more tag on your articles or have archive of posts, it’s hard to scroll to see oldest articles while seeing the full content of other articles.

  2. Truly inspirational man!
    Im from Mumbai.
    Hope to meet you some day but do keep in touch.
    I have worked as a python programmer on the server side and want to get into full
    time python development for android and iOS…..and so on and so forth.

    Maybe we could work together on a project someday…
    Im currently building my website using HTML5 etc and plan to use django and or mako later on.
    Take care.

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